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Need help marketing your event?
Easy! Just fill out this event request form: Event Request Form
Is the electronic hardware in your classroom not working properly?
Please email: HelpDesk@Solano.edu
Need help with Canvas?
Please Email DE@Solano.edu
Or Call The Canvas Support Hotline 1(833) 507-7236
For More Resources Go To: Distance Education
Need help with Banner?
Please contact: HelpDesk@Solano.edu
Please visit Facilities Homepage
For Work Orders, Keys, Maintenance, Etc Please Go To: Work Orders
Do you need to report an incident or contact DPS Officers?
Please visit DPS Homepage
Use the button above to email our website ticketing system.
***Please email Support@JTMedia.zendesk.com ***
***If you do not receive a receipt email with a ticket number, please email support@jtmedia.zendesk.com Directly***
Use the button above to email your request to James Thomas Media.
Responses will include an estimation of time to complete the request and/or gather additional information*
Facility Safety Protocols