Name: Rachel Purdie, Academic Program Review Committee Chair
Department: History/Social Justice Studies Faculty, School of Social & Behavioral Science
Term: 2021-2023
Committe: Academic Program Review
Charge: To assess the state of academic programs, highlighting strengths and areas of needed improvement. It is a faculty-driven process bringing faculty and administration together to work toward program improvement, setting goals and prioritizing initiatives based on internal and external factors related to student, college, and community needs. Program review has three essential goals: 1) to maintain academic integrity and rigor; 2) to facilitate integrated, long-range planning; 3) to provide continual program improvement to ensure student success.
Name: Andrew Wesley, Assessment Committee Chair
Department: Music Faculty, School of Liberal Arts
Term: 2019-2022
Committee: Assessment
Charge: To provide institutional support and guidance on outcomes assessment including student learning outcomes (SLOs), program learning outcomes (PLOs), general education learning outcomes (GELOs), institutional learning outcomes (ILOs), and service area outcomes (SAOs). The committee helps shape institutional policy regarding assessment; supports faculty in the completion of timely, quality assessments; helps faculty create quality outcomes and tools for measuring them; and disseminates information about outcomes assessment.
Name: Sarah Barsness, Curriculum Committee Chair
Department: Photography Faculty, School of Liberal Arts
Term: 2020-2023
Committee: Curriculum/Tech Review
Charge: To provide leadership for all areas that involve the College’s curriculum. It is a faculty committee that reviews and recommends additions, deletions, and changes to the College’s courses and programs.
Name: John Perez, Distance Education Committee Chair
Department: Accounting Faculty, School of Applied Technology and Business
Term: 2020-2023
Committee: Distance Education
Charge: To deal with campus-wide instructional technology issues with special focus on pedagogical and curricular issues. The Distance Education Committee reviews and makes recommendation regarding Distance Education at Solano Community College, to include delivery methods, best practices, and state-wide compliance, as well as providing resources, training and support for staff and faculty as it relates to distance education. In addition, the role of the Distance Education Committee is to certify individual courses to ensure regular effective contact hours and regular instructor-initiated contact, as well as compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and any other identified provisions relevant to accreditation, Chancellor’s Office Guidelines, Title 5, CA Education Code, or other external approving agencies, as well as approved local practice.
Name: Michelle Smith, Professional Development/Flex Cal Committee Chair
Department: Biological Science Faculty, School of Mathematics and Science
Term: 2018-2021
Committee: Professional Development/Flex Cal
Charge: To promote professional development opportunities for faculty and staff to broaden their knowledge, expand their skills, and enhance their abilities to benefit the students, the college, as well as the greater community including developing and implementing the Flexible Calendar plan.
Name: Heather Watson-Perez, Student Equity and Success Council Chair
Department: English Faculty, School of Liberal Arts
Term: 2021-2023
Committee: Student Equity and Success Council
Charge: To provide institutional direction to integrate validated effective practices for underprepared students to succeed at college level learning. The committee is responsible for developing and evaluating a yearly basic skills plan reflecting the state’s Basic Skills Initiative.